Zion Lutheran Church and School is happy to have Pastor Willweber here with us as an interim pastor since mid December after Pastor Dandy took a call to Trinity Lutheran Church in Atchison, Kansas. Pastor Willweber will be serving Zion Lutheran Church through out the week along with helping at the school on Mondays or as needed.
Pastor Willweber has history here at Zion as he attended Zion Lutheran School in the upper grades before going to high school. He went ahead and received his teaching degree at Concordia University in Seward, NE. After teaching a few years, he served as an insurance adjustor in southern California. Late in his career, he felt the calling to become a pastor. He was able to attend the Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, MO along with two of his sons. (All three of his sons are serving in Christ’s ministry!). After the seminary, Pastor Willweber was called to serve congregations in Florida and Seattle, WA, and then came to serve in Delano and Bakersfield before retiring. During his retirement, he enjoyed traveling around the US with his wife, Sharon, before they settled in Hawaii and lived with one of his sons. In Hawaii, Pastor Willweber continued to serve His Lord there at the different Lutheran churches by filling in to preach as a pastor, where needed. After the Lord called his wife to her heavenly home this past year and still feeling the need to serve, Pastor Willweber answered the call to Zion to serve as our interim Pastor for which we are thankful. If you have any questions for him, he may be reached in the school office, 535-4346.