
K-3rd Grades - Mrs. Yuliya Schultz

Kindergarten - Mrs. Debra Cain, Teacher Asst.

RainbowSight Words (K)
AbekaWriting with Phonics
Language Arts - Vocabulary, Spelling and Poetry
Handwriting and Cursive
Social Studies/Historical Figures (Community Helpers) (K-2)

Primary phonics workbooks and readers for Reading (2-3)

Foreign Language (Russian, Sign Language, Spanish, etc.)

Reading (2-3)
Noeo ScienceLife Science
The Story of the WorldSocial Studies (3)

Religion is taught by the Pastor. He also leads short devotions to the whole student body each morning with scripture memory verses.

Book Adventure
ABC Mouse (K)

Current Class Grades K-3

Mrs. Yuliya Schultz is a full-time teacher with one part-time aide who helps her. Additional volunteers (retired educators) come in weekly to help the children on a one to one basis. She has less than 20 students in grades K-3 and this allows her to give each child the attention they require to flourish. Her classroom is like a traditional one-room schoolhouse. Due to our individualized instruction, many students can progress beyond grade level expectations. This is Mrs. Schultz’s first year of teaching here at Zion. She has volunteered at Zion and has done substitute teaching at different schools. She is looking forward to working with her students in helping them learn.

4th-6th Grades - Mrs. Christen Gibson
Teacher Asst. - Mrs. Norra Galindo
(Pivoting to a Classical Christian Education Approach)

Hake (Saxon)Grammar/Writing
180 Days of SpellingSpelling
Heinemann (Killgallon)Writing/Composition
Leveled Novels with Literature Study GuidesReading/Literature (Based on Student’s Lexile Reading Score)
Noeo ScienceBiology, Chemistry, Physics
The Story of the WorldSocial Studies
Concordia Bible History - Catechism

Religious Instruction is taught by Pastor through daily morning devotions, Wednesday chapel, and teaching Hymnal grade-specific Bible/Religion classes with memory work and hymns.

Band, Choir, and Art
Tulare Poetry and Prose Competition
TechnologyLaptops – 1 per student
Direct instruction is provided in the use of Google email, word processing in MS Word along with some exposure to other MS Suite programs, an introduction to credible/scholarly internet research, etc.

Current Class Grades 4-6

Mrs. Christen Gibson is a full-time teacher, instructing all subjects except religion. She has less than 20 students in grades 4-6 which will allow her to give each child the attention they require to flourish. Due to our individualized instruction many students progress beyond grade level expectations. Students in her class will become creative problem solvers and learn to work independently as well as in smaller groups to achieve their academic goals. As the curriculum is pivoting to a Classical Education approach this year, students will experience her enthusiasm and love for teaching. She will work hard to prepare them for Jr. High School and beyond.